Hello and welcome back! I’ve taken quite the break from anything photography until recently. In this interesting and intense summer I finally found a gateway into creativity again. For pure pleasure and joy. Our family went on a three-week road trip through large parts of Austria with some nice little stops in Germany. Nothing fancy.…
Schritt für Schritt // Mariazell 2019
Als ich vor einigen Jahren das erste Mal den Gedanken hegte, nach Mariazell zu gehen, da kam es mir vor wie eine Reise zum Mond. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, wie es sich anfühlen würde, über 100 Kilometer in wenigen Tagen zu gehen. Es klang mir einfach nach einer guten Idee 🙂 Es brauchte drei Anläufe,…
Austrian Summer
So school has started and those memories of the first very long summer holiday for the kids are slowly fading. But with the rain today, I figured we could use a flashback of colors and sunshine. All the way from beautiful Austria! Going back to Austria for summer was kind of a biggie: The first…