My cousin is awesome! I am sure you also say that about yours, but mine is awesomer. 🙂

You might have seen Tanja in my photos over the years as she’s been a regular on my blog. That’s why I was so so happy to spend time with her and get her in front of my camera again!

We have grown up from little girls to strong, amazing womxn. But as we know, juggling the bits and pieces of adulthood it’s not always peaches and roses. We all have our doubts, fears and grown-up issues to handle.

But for just an afternoon, we put that aside, turned up some Bee Gees and 80s pop, and slipped into our beautiful birthday costume to be just ourselves.

Nothing makes me happier to see Tanja move freely and enjoy being fully present in her body.

To many more cheeky parties in that pool 🙂 And to all the beautiful womxn who rock their body!

A girl should be two things:
Who and what she wants.

Coco Chanel

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