Hello everyone! It’s been quiet here on the blog, mainly because I’ve basically changed my profession to teaching movement and yoga full-time. But (!) that said , yes, I still take photos 🙂 Of people. And places. And especially of people and places that I love!

Like a few weeks ago, when I met up with my dear friend Elisa and her friend Marianna to spend an evening in the dunes of Zuiderstrand. It was one of the hottest days this year, and still a great one to have some fun at our photoshoot.

This being more or less my back-yard, I love coming here almost every day now. To see the two of them move so naturally and freely in this beautiful surrounding, well, I guess you can tell they enjoyed the experience 🙂

If you want to follow their yoga journey, find Elisa and Marianna on Instagram.

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