Dear reader,

So you might have noticed: I am not your average portrait photographer. I don’t post pictures from the latest session every other week. On one hand because I work with quite a number of people who value their privacy and want to keep their photos their own family’s memory. And as much as I would love to share all my work with you, I do respect that. On the other hand, my own family life gets quite busy from time to time and then it needs more attention than my blog (sorry, baby <3).

Human Unplugged

To be honest: Sometimes I wish I could just go offline for a very long time, and faithful readers of my blog have actually seeing me going off the grid before. And yes, it does seem to happen especially when the hours of daylight grow short in the year :p Like now. It’s just something about this time of the year that drains out all of my energy and I feel overwhelmed with the shoulds and musts and to do’s of the day.

When I was a teenager, I would go to the sun bank and fuel up on artificial sunlight there but it was never the same. I do take my vitamine D drops, but even they don’t help when the winter blues sets in. And I know that it will be a while until I can charge up my beach-and-sun-loving batteries. Yet, there is hope … and light 🙂

This Sunday we will celebrate the First Sunday of Advent and traditionally in my family we light the first of four candles on the wreath that will lead us all the way to Christmas Eve. For me, this is the beginning of the time to turn inwards. It’s the zen counterpart of waiting for Sinterklaas.

24 Mindful Light Moments

And that’s why: I want to enjoy this awaiting period with you. I want to invite you to use the time leading up to the holidays (well for those of you who live in the Netherlands, you are already partied out :p I know) to go through your days a little more mindful. I am not trying to ADD to your list of to do’s, so don’t worry, I’ll do the “work” for you 🙂 I will post 24 photos up to Christmas to shine some of that light into your day. See it as a visual and inspirational Adventskalender.

And with this I encourage you to take a moment, just a couple of minutes, every day, to reflect:

  • How are you feeling right now?
  • In what way is what you are doing at the moment serving you or somebody else?
  • Is there something that could help you get through the day better?
  • What could that ray of “light” be in your day today?

Maybe a phone call with a friend. A bubble bath. And a bottle of red. A letter to your grand parents telling them how excited you are to share family dinner with them? Or maybe a friendly talk with the woman in your local bookshop when you are browsing for gifts? Or even such a small gesture as saying “I am sorry” when you let the stress of a long workday affect your personal relationships.

Even if we don’t see it with our eyes, we are still encircled and wrapped up in so much light. We, ourselves, eminate light with so many small gestures that we do. We might not be aware of that, but even if only one single person is helped, feels heard or understood – our light has been received and it will multiply.

Are you in?

If you are up for some light inspiration, check my Facebook page and Instagram for a daily dose of light in your December. I’ll try my best to keep your spirits (and mine :)) light and warm.

And if you feel like adding your own photos and thoughts: Hooray! The more, the merrier. If you like, use #mindfullight in your posts to spread your light 🙂

Have a wonder-ful time, my friends.



PS: Light knows no religion, skin color, gender or borders. All woman, man and child welcome 🙂


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