Biddy and I met more than four years ago. From two random women meeting through the internet we have become family. And by family, I  m e a n  family. She has been one of the reasons I did not fall into insanity this last year, when living so far away from my parents, grandmother and cousins has revealed a deep void in my soul.

That said, Biddy and I haven’t actually seen each other in person a lot in this past year, even though we live close. Maybe a handful of times. So each time was special. Each time we could look into each other’s eyes without screens was like a deep sigh of coming home.

nothing can replace
how the women in my life
make me feel

rupi kaur (home body)

When Biddy asked me if we could take photos in the middle of winter, I knew we had to make it mean something.

But how do you give meaning to a photo, how do you capture all those unspoken words and feelings, fears and hopes that epitomize 2020?

It starts with letting go. It starts with not having a clear outcome in mind.

It’s a feeling of mutual trust. Every time I pick up the camera I have to let go of some of the expectations I put on myself. I have to meet whoever is in front of me and see them, feel into them. As best as I can.

And whether we meet for the first time at a photoshoot or whether we are friends who’ve known each other so intimately, this is what I wish to create more of.

This feeling of allowing. Trust. Freedom to be.

Biddy and I have both been listening to folklore all year long. I am sure you will sense the songs in the photos below, reverberating through the twigs of the naked trees and the spaciousness of the open sky.

I’m thankful for the women in my life. I’m thankful for you, Biddy.



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